These work sheets have been designed to enable children to develop their computer skills while revising work on specific science topics. Questions are based on topics covered in the site and are related to, but not bound by SATS and the National Curriculum.
The children can type their answers in the text boxes and print the sheet when complete. In some instances they have to complete sentences by choosing the correct word from a list of suggested responses. The words can be dragged and put in the appropriate space. This gives children the practice in dragging and dropping images and text. If this does not work then the words may be typed as in the other answers.
There are links on the work sheets so they can revisit the relevant piece of work if necessary.
The worksheets can be printed before completion if this is preferred and used by the children as a guide as they work though the science topic.
If you experience any difficulties or have suggestion for improvement or inclusion of questions or ideas, then please E-mail us.