has an enquiring mind and is developing good exploratory techniques
is able to plan an investigation with confidence
thinks critically and is able to redesign experiments when necessary
has taken an active part in the planning and setting up of experiments
can carry out an investigation sensibly and safely
shows keen interest in this subject and is able to carry out experiments and record findings accurately
is able to record and interpret observations in a skilful way
collects and handles data with confidence
is able to plan a fair test in an attempt to solve a problem
can explore, make predictions and evaluate findings in an organised way
handles equipment and apparatus confidently and carefully when carrying out experiments
makes accurate measurements and handles data efficiently
uses a range of measuring instruments carefully and competently
has the ability to criticise constructively and raises interesting questions
listens and responds well to information and ideas presented by others during group discussions
does not record work carefully enough so the end result does not reflect the hard work which went into the practical activity
needs to develop a more organised approach to investigations
can respond well to suggestions but does not put forward ideas of his/her own
lacks perseverance and concentration and work reflects this
needs to develop the confidence to both ask and answer questions during class discussions
needs to record conclusions to experiments in more detail
Knowledge and Understanding
understands a wide range of scientific processes
enjoys all aspects of science and demonstrates a sound understanding of basic concepts
understands and copes well with abstract concepts
enjoys the challenge of practical problems and uses skill and knowledge effectively to overcome them
uses concepts, knowledge and skills to ask questions and is able to design investigations to answer them
has a thirst for scientific knowledge and reads widely to increase understanding
is beginning to show greater independence when selecting information from a range of sources
is developing an awareness and understanding of living things and their habitats
shows sensitivity and a caring attitude towards the welfare and protection of living things
has taken responsibility for the care of animals in the classroom
has approached the study of the local environment with enthusiasm
has a good understanding of the factors which contribute to good health
understands the concept of energy and how it affects our everyday lives
has a good knowledge and understanding of the structure and main features of the Earth
can be relied onto make intelligent contributions to group and class discussions
needs to use a wider range of source material when gathering information
more care is required in the presentation and explanation of findings and ideas
needs to show more respect and care for living things when selecting and using them for study purposes
needs careful explanation of some of the more difficult concepts, but when confident can work well
must listen more carefully to explanations in an effort to improve understanding